All About Me
As a mother of five children who has experienced first hand some of the struggles with pregnancy, birth and feeding my babies. I understand how frustrating it can be when you have nobody who you can turn to. This experience inspired me to dedicate my life to helping parents with their little ones.
There is an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. We often do not have a village of support around us anymore. Busy lives and being away from family means many of us raise our children with little help.
I aim to offer support from pregnancy right through to supporting you when baby arrives. I have specialised in a range of support services to enable you to build up a close friendship with me and use as little or as many of my packages as needed!
My Qualifications
I have the highest possible qualification in infant feeding, that is recognised Worldwide. IBCLCs have successfully completed a 6 hour written examination at degree level and a substantial amount of breastfeeding counselling work during their training, needing at least 1000 face to face hours to apply for the exam.
I am a fully qualified Birth and Postnatal Doula. Not only have I taken the initial training course but I have done many additional training courses since to improve my knowledge base. These include; Hypnobirthing Instructor Aromatherapy & Homeopathy for Childbirth, Three Step Rewind Biomechanics, Breech 101, LGBTQ+ Competency and much more.
I studied with the Sleep Consultant Academy to become a Gentle Sleep Consultant. I use this knowledge to support families with normalising newborn sleep and troubleshooting any issues later on.
I have trained to highest possible qualification of a Maternity Nurse. This gave me further in depth knowledge of newborn care, including reflecting on complex and challenging situations, with a particular focus on caring for multiples and babies with additional needs