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10 Tips For a Successful VBAC

If you've had a previous Caesarean birth and are considering a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), you're not alone! Let's dive into how you can prepare for a successful VBAC and embrace this incredible journey.

1. Learn the Facts

Education is key! Take a VBAC birth course that focuses on evidence-based information. Understand the risks, benefits, and success rates associated with VBAC. Did you know that 60-80% of people who attempt a VBAC are successful? That's right! The VBAC success rate is surprisingly high¹

2. Find a Supportive Provider

Choose a healthcare provider who fully supports your desire for VBAC. Having a team that believes in you and your ability to birth vaginally is crucial. Seek out a provider who doesn't just tolerate VBAC but actively encourages it.

3. Select the Right Birth Location

Where you give birth matters. Look for a birth centre, home birth team or hospital that has experience with VBACs. Discuss your birth plan with the midwives and ensure they're understand your plan.

4. Consider Hiring a Doula

A doula can provide emotional support, comfort, and advocacy during labour. Having a doula by your side can positively impact your VBAC experience.

5. Join a Support Group

Connect with other parents who have had successful VBACs. Hearing their stories and sharing your own can boost your confidence and provide valuable insights.

6. Process Previous Birth Trauma

If you've had a traumatic birth experience before, take time to process it. Consider seeking counselling or support to release any fears or negative emotions associated with childbirth.

7. Create a Birth Plan

Outline your preferences for labour, delivery, and postpartum care. Be clear about your desire for a VBAC and discuss it with your provider.

8. Practice Meditation and Affirmations

Mental preparation matters. Use positive affirmations and meditation to stay focused and calm during labour.

9. Decide What's Best for You

Remember, there's no failing in birth. Whether you achieve a VBAC or have a repeat caesarean, every birth is an incredible accomplishment. Trust your instincts and make choices that align with your well-being.

10. Embrace the Journey

Your VBAC journey is unique and beautiful. Celebrate each step, trust your body, and know that you're part of a supportive community.

Remember, you've got this! VBAC is a powerful choice, and with the right preparation and mindset, you're well on your way to a successful birth experience.

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