Staying Positive When You are ‘Overdue’

pregnant woman marking calendar

As a doula, I’ve witnessed the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being overdue. The anticipation, the waiting, and sometimes the frustration—it’s all part of the journey. But fear not! Here are some tips to help you stay positive during this waiting game:

  1. Remember that due dates aren’t accurate:

    • Only 5% of babies are born on their due date. There are a number of reasons why calculating your due date based on the date of your last period might not be accurate:

    • People can have irregular menstrual cycles, or cycles that are not 28 days

    • People may be uncertain about the date of their LMP

    • Many people do not ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle

    • The embryo may take longer to implant in the uterus for some people

    • Instead of fixating on the due date, think of it as a “guess date.” Babies have their own timing, and that’s okay. Trust the process.

  2. Self-Care Rituals:

    • Pamper yourself. Take warm baths, practice gentle yoga, or indulge in a foot massage. These small acts of self-love can ease anxiety and promote relaxation.

  3. Connect with Your Baby:

    • Talk to your little one. Sing, read, or simply place your hands on your belly. Bonding with your baby can shift your focus away from impatience.

  4. Stay Active:

    • Go for walks, do antenatal exercises, or practice gentle stretches. Movement helps both physically and mentally.

  5. Visualise Your Birth:

    • Close your eyes and imagine your ideal birth. Picture yourself surrounded by support, feeling empowered, and meeting your baby. Visualisation can boost positivity.

  6. Lean on Your Support System:

    • Reach out to your partner (if you have one), family, or friends. Share your feelings and fears. Sometimes a listening ear is all you need.

  7. Celebrate Each Day:

    • Instead of counting down to the due date, celebrate each day as a step closer to meeting your baby. Light a candle, write in a journal, or create a gratitude list.

  8. Educate Yourself on Induction:

    • Find out the pros and cons of induction vs waiting. Discuss options with your care provider, get evidence based information and make informed decisions.

  9. Release Control:

    • Surrender to the timing. Babies choose their birthdays. Trust that your body and your baby know what they’re doing.

  10. Remember Your Strength:

    • You’ve carried this life within you for months. You’re resilient, powerful, and capable. Trust in your body’s wisdom.

Bonus Tip: Doula Magic:

  • If you have a doula, lean on her. She’ll remind you of your strength, offer encouragement, and hold space for your emotions.


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