Surviving Night Feeds: A No-Nonsense Guide for New Parents

Night feeds – those bleary-eyed, sleep-deprived moments when you stumble out of bed to tend to your hungry little one. Let’s face it: they’re tough. But fear not! Here’s an honest and practical guide to help you navigate those midnight rendezvous with your baby.

  1. Embrace the Chaos, No Rules Apply:

    • First things first: there are no hard and fast rules. Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, night feeds are part and parcel of parenthood. So, cut yourself some slack and do what feels right for you and your baby.

    • Ignore the experts who claim you’ll never sleep again if you don’t follow their strict guidelines. Babies change, and what works now won’t necessarily hold true in a year. Trust your instincts.

  2. Dim the Lights, Set the Mood:

    • Babies are born without a clue about day and night. Teach them the difference by keeping lights low after 7 pm. Invest in blackout blinds if needed.

    • Late at night, use a gentle night light to maintain the “it’s bedtime” message. Plus, it helps you see what you’re doing without blinding yourself.

  3. Preparation Is Key:

    • Create a handy kit for night feeds. Include essentials like nappies, wipes, and a feeding pillow. Bleary-eyed fumbling is no fun.

    • If you’re breastfeeding, keep a big bottle of water nearby. Midnight snacks are optional but encouraged!

  4. Co-Sleep or Not? It’s Your Call:

    • If you’re breastfeeding and finding those night feeds difficult- you might want to look into bedsharing. Tips for making it safer can be found here

    • Want to cuddle your baby all night? Absolutely. Do what feels right for you.

    • Remember, this phase won’t last forever. All babies eventually learn to sleep through the night.

  5. Keep Baby Close:

    • When your little one dozes off, maintain a calm environment. Soft lighting, hushed voices, and proximity work wonders.

    • Bonus: You won’t have to stumble far when hunger strikes. Plus, it’s comforting for both of you.

  6. Share the Load:

    • Partners, friends, or helpful family members – enlist their support. They can handle nappy changes or soothing while you catch a few winks.

    • Emotional support counts too. You’re in this together.

    • Consider hiring a Postnatal Doula to take the load off

  7. Remember, It Gets Easier:

    • Those sleep-deprived nights will fade. Babies grow, routines shift, and eventually, everyone sleeps longer.

    • So, cuddle that tiny bundle, feed them, and know that you’re doing an incredible job. You’ve got this!


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